Dear colleagues,
We are delighted and honored to be hosting the annual conference of the German Pharmaceutical Society in Münster this year. Münster is a city of science, city of sculptures, city of the Peace of Westphalia, city of bicycles, Hanseatic city - Münster is a living metropolis with many faces. Science and educationare deeply rooted in Münster, as evidenced by the wide range of universities that are located here and the wide range of research topics that are explored by a large number of research units and institutes. The city is the campus, because the buildings of the various universities are scattered all over Münster.
The University of Münster is one of the largest universities in Germany with a rich and time-honoured tradition. It enjoys an outstanding reputation in the region and far beyond. Fifteen faculties with more than 120 degree programmes and around 30 research centres comprise the institutional backbone of the University. About 43,000 students and 5,600 academics appreciate the University's excellent research opportunities, high-quality teaching, promotion of junior researchers, and the advantages of living in the city of Münster. The slogan sums it up best: "living.knowledge".
The theme of this year's conference is "Pharmaceutical Sciences: Emerging Technologies for Healthy Individuals". With this motto, we would like to represent the entire breadth of pharmaceutical sciences and emphasize the contribution of each individual discipline to the optimal care of patients. We are firmly convinced that the city of Münster and the University of Münster offer the perfect setting for bringing the motto to life. With this in mind, we would like to welcome you and your research teams.
On behalf of the President of the German Pharmaceutical Society (DPhG), the Congress Chair and the Program Chair, we cordially invite you to come to Münster in September for an excellent conference, fruitful discussions and a personal exchange of ideas.

You find the download of the program announcement at the end of this page. Please note that we will upload updates continuously.
An online program to plan your personal schedule is available as desktop version or mobile version.
Conference book
The conference book is available online and published via PharmRxiv.
Registration and Abstracts
The registration is open and until July 31, 2024 you get Early Bird prices for registration fee.
You are very welcome to share your studies in a Poster Presentation or in an Oral Presentation. The deadline for the abstract submission was July 21, 2024.
Please note that you cannot submit your abstract without registration for the conference.
Tag der Offizinpharmazie
The registration for public pharmacists for the "Tag der Offizinpharmazie" can be made through the registration form at the bottom of this page.
Hotel contingent
We have reserved a hotel contingent. You can book rooms via this link until August 26, 2024.
Promotion of Young Talents
Free tickets for pharmacy students in the 7th and 8th semesters
We are awarding 20 free tickets for the annual meeting 2024 in Münster.
- Pharmacy students in the 7th and 8th semesters
- Application with a short statement (3 sentences maximum) on why you would like to attend the annual meeting (by email to
- Deadline for submissions was June 24, 2024
Please note that you must cover your own travel and accommodation costs! The fees for the annual meeting and participation in the welcome reception are free of charge. Of course you can submit your posters/abstracts if you participate.
Travel allowance
This year, we are offering students and doctoral students who actively contribute to the annual meeting a travel allowance based on the distance to the conference venue.
Requirements for receiving the travel allowance:
- Active contribution to the conference with a poster as first or co-author
- No reimbursement of travel expenses by the university or another source
- For doctoral students: written confirmation from the work group leader that the travel expenses will not be covered by the university budget or another source
The application form can be found at the bottom of the page.