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Nuclear Theragnostics from Bench-to-Bedside

October 22, 2024

Einladung zur 637. Vortragsveranstaltung

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The application of tumor-targeting molecules labeled with diagnostic radionuclides represents one of the most sensitive methods for the non-invasive detection of cancer in vivo. Systemic delivery of these molecules, when radiolabeled with particle-emitting radionuclides such as α-, β-, and electron-emit-ters, enables the targeted destruction of tumor cells with minimal side effects for patients. This dual approach, known as "Theragnosis," utilizes matched pairs of diagnostic and therapeutic radionuclides with identical or similar chemical properties.

In recent years, "new" radiometals have gained attention in preclinical and clinical development due to their favorable physical decay properties—such as half-life, decay mode, and energy range—com-pared to current isotopes. Notable examples include radionuclides like 43/44/47Sc, 64/67Cu, and 149/152/155/161Tb. However, producing and rapidly purifying these radiometals, and effectively incorpo-rating them into tumor-targeting molecules, poses a significant challenge for both inorganic and bio-inorganic chemistry.

This talk will showcase the latest innovative strategies for the production and chemical separation of these new radiometals. Additionally, advancements in optimizing the pharmacokinetics of radiophar-maceuticals to ensure precise tumor targeting, ultimately translating these developments from "bench to bedside" will be discussed.

Diese Veranstaltung wird im Rahmen der zertifizierten Fortbildung mit 2 Punkten bewertet.

LG Hamburg
Prof. Dr. Roger Schibli
Institut für Pharmazeutische Wissenschaften, Department Chemie und Angewandte Biowissenschaften, ETH Zürich/CH

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